Businesses in the construction sector often hire independent professionals or small businesses for specialized services. Instead of offering a salaried position to a drywall finisher and a tile specialist, the company has a short list of qualified professionals or...
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Business Disputes
Should a partnership agreement include an exit strategy?
Many entrepreneurs may not realize that just because their partnership is forged with the best intentions does not mean it will stand the test of time. The truth is that even the most promising partnerships can be marked by disagreements, challenges or unexpected...
When siblings don’t make good business partners
Sometimes, siblings decide to start a business together because they assume that their pre-existing relationship reduces some of the risk inherent in a new business enterprise. Other times, siblings might jointly inherit a business from the estate of a parent or...
What happens when a contract dispute goes to court in New York?
The average business executes contracts with an assortment of different parties. It is necessary to sign a contract when hiring new workers, reaching agreements with vendors or hiring a contractor to provide services. Typically, organizations expect that the other...
Why does a start-up need a solid partnership agreement?
Virtually every business partnership begins with a shared vision and the best intentions. Whether it's a creative venture, a technology startup or a small family business, partners often embark on their journey with optimism and trust. However, even the most...
5 points to remember during partnership disputes
Partnerships are – ideally – mutually beneficial business relationships in which the participants have the common goal of trying to build a business. These arrangements are usually formalized via a written agreement that’s followed throughout the life of the business....
When do you have the right to seek a mechanic’s lien?
Construction is a very competitive industry, and many smaller firms rely on word of mouth to connect with new clients. You likely do everything in your power to make your clients happy with the work that you provide. From competitive estimates to thorough post-work...
When is ending a contract worth it?
Sometimes, working with clients doesn’t go the way you want it to. You might have a contract with a buyer who is having you build a home for them, but when supply chain issues, delays and problems with your interactions become too much, you may feel that it just isn’t...
2 ways a breach of contract could do real damage to your company
When you negotiate a contract with a client, a service provider or a new employee, you expect them to follow through with your written agreement. Putting the details in writing help ensure that both parties understand their obligations to each other and can face...
Can you and your ex run the business together?
Often, a “business divorce” just refers to two business partners who have decided to go their separate ways. It's not a technical divorce in that sense, but it's a breakdown of the partnership all the same. However, many businesses are family businesses. This means...